Happy Father’s Day to ALL Dad’s out there!! This is the first time I have ever posted here. I am having a heck of a time gathering my thoughts about the post I’d like to leave…
I am Sevanna’s Mom Ricki and I do my best to advocate for her and everyone suffering from the effects of CHD. I have a page on FB for her, a blogspot blog, a caring bridge site and even an official webpage : http://www.Sevannasstoryofhope.webs.com PLEASE JOIN!!
But my post today is not really about me, its about today and the people it impacts and HOW it impacts them, especially the creator of this site Levi Beers. Levi means the world to me, to Tracy & Aiden and hundreds & hundreds of other people. He is one of the most powerful & inspirational Daddy’s I have ever been blessed to know!!
Before finding out about the Angel community, Special needs children community & CHD community on facebook I felt very very alone. I have lots of good personal friends but only a couple people who knew & truly understood my journey and pain about my daughters condition.I dont even quite remember HOW I found the CHD community a little more than 2 months ago, what I do know is that I now can not live without it. I have met SO many amazing people and formed very tight bonds & friendships. I have laughed, cried and vented with people that TRULY understand what my unique fight is about, why I push for answers for my child like I do, what it means to live this challenge of a life everyday ALL day, and even as an Angel parent the fight and the life doesn’t stop when your precious Miracle has been called home to God.
Today I want to praise the men out there that make a world of difference to everyone they can.. Levi, Ben McCormick, My Dad, My husband to be Nathan.. I love all of you so very much. You guys touch others with very little effort and affect people forever and today is about wanting to spread that ripple effect for you…
If a prayer, a thought, a hug ~ anything can lift your heart, your spirit & make you smile, I want that for you guys. For you give that to me and others and so much more…There just arent the ‘right’ words.. Today isnt just any old day. Today is the day where we remind you how lucky we are to call you friend.. lover.. husband and most of all Dad. All of you are in my heart.. May you all have a loving, peaceful, gentle day